Post: Bretton Lane, West Bretton, Wakefield WF4 4LB

01924 830204

West Bretton Junior and Infant School

Giving Our Children A Sense Of Direction for More Than 200 Years

Sports Premium



In April 2013, the Government announced new funding (Sport Premium) for Physical Education to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision at school. The aim is to improve children’s physical literacy and development of fundamental movement skills, to promote active and healthy lifestyles and to enhance sporting opportunities to promote the Olympic legacy.

At West Bretton, we have identified several areas which we aim to improve and enhance through the use of the Sport Premium funding, in order to raise participation and achievement for all pupils in PE, sport and physical activity. Each school receives £16,000 plus £10 per pupil on roll per year.


At West Bretton, our vision for PE is to develop the children’s enjoyment of physical activity. We want children to learn how to co-operate with each other and how to work successfully as part of a group. We want them to learn rules and establish boundaries. We strive to create opportunities for children to challenge themselves in a practical setting and to develop confidence and improve their levels of self-esteem. Through our teaching in PE, we want to enable children to develop and explore physical skills with increasing control and co-ordination and to develop children’s levels of physical activities and fundamental skills.

With the Sports Premium funding, we would hope that all groups of children are able to access out of school hours learning, either at lunchtime or after school, and that the number of children taking part would increase. We want all children to enjoy PE and access sports and activities which they would not usually have the opportunities to take part in. We would like to develop the competitive provision across school and a sporting spirit. We hope to increase uptake in physical activity for all groups of children and establish links with the local community to increase the number of children taking part in physical activity outside of the curriculum. We would aim to educate children about healthy choices and promote possibilities to maintain active healthy lifestyles. We also endeavour to make our lessons more active by engaging all pupils in regular physical activity throughout the school day. Finally, through sport, we would hope to improve children’s focus, positive energy, perseverance and team working skills to enhance outcomes in all aspects of the curriculum, including reading, writing and maths.

We will also spend our money on ...

  • Procuring quality-assured professional training for staff to raise their confidence and competence in teaching PE, sport and physical activity.
  • Supporting external sports coaches to run afterschool and lunchtime clubs, competitions, and to continue to increase pupils’ participation in school games competitions.
  • Encouraging sedentary children to take up sport and be more active.
  • Using the funding to support regular sport tournaments, festivals and competitions for pupils of all ages.
  • Providing places for pupils in after-school sport clubs.
  • Supporting the Sports Leaders group to introduce playground games at breaks and lunchtimes.
  • Establishing, sustainable partnerships with local community sports clubs.
  • Subsidising outdoor and adventurous activities.
  • Increase participation in intra and inter-school competition through releasing staff, membership of the local pyramid and membership of the Youth Sports Trust.

Additional information

Full details of the Grant through the Department for Education website

The Youth Sport Trust website showing details of the exciting opportunities our membership has with them

Please note, West Bretton School is not responsible for the content of external websites.