Post: Bretton Lane, West Bretton, Wakefield WF4 4LB

01924 830204

West Bretton Junior and Infant School

Giving Our Children A Sense Of Direction for More Than 200 Years



The Governing Body at West Bretton School have a culture of high expectations, aspirations and scholastic excellence for all pupils and work in partnership with school staff to ensure that they are prepared positively for life in modern Britain.  

We are committed to provide a balance of challenge and support to the Headteacher to ensure that every individual reaches their potential both academically and as a well-rounded individual ready to move on to their next challenges in education and life.


Role: Co-opted Governor

Responsibility Safeguarding & Looked After Children/Mental Health & Wellbeing

Appointed by Governing Body

Date 08/11/2004 Term end date 09/07/2027

Role: Co-opted Governor    

Responsibility: Arts/Science    

Appointed by Governing Body    

Date 26/03/2019    

Term end date 25/03/2027  

Role Co-opted Governor    

Responsibility Chair/Quality of Education    

Appointed by Governing Body    

Date 03/07/2003    

Term end date 18/05/2027

Role Headteacher    

Appointed by: N/A    

Date 01/05/2023

Role: Co-opted Governor    

Responsibility KS2 Maths/PE and Active Lifestyle. RSHE    

Appointed by Governing Body    

Date 16/3/2024   

Term end date 15/7/2027

Role Co-opted Governor    

Responsibility KS2 link governor and Literacy    

Appointed by Governing Body    

Date 23/3/2021     Resigned: 11/7/2023

Role Co-opted Governor     Responsibility Foundation Stage Link Governor    

Appointed by Governing Body    

Date 18/07/2007     Term end date 18/05/2027

Role Co-opted Governor     Responsibility: Computing

Appointed by Governing Body    

Date 22/06/1999    

Term end date 18/05/2027

Role Headteacher    

Appointed by N/A    

Date 02/01/2008
Retired: 30/04/2023

Role Parent Governor     Responsibility KS1, Humanities/SEN & Pupil Premium    

Appointed by: Parents        

Date 05/02/2019    

Term end date 04/02/2023

Role LA Governor    

Responsibility Health & Safety    

Appointed by Local Authority    

Date 10/11/2022    

Term end date 09/11/2026

Role: Parent Governor   

Responsibility: Safeguarding, e-Safeguarding, Looked After Children; Behaviour/mental health and wellbeing   

Appointed by Parents   

Date 18/11/2022   

Term end date 17/11/2026   

Role: Co-opted     
Responsibilities: Sports Premium; Music    
Appointed by: Governing Body   
Start: 20/01/2014     
Term end date: 18/5/2027

Role: Parent Governor
Responsibility: Chair of Finance Committee
Elected by: Parents
Term of Office: 5/2/23 to 4/2/27

Staff Governor
Responsibility: tbc
Term of Office starts: 17/10/2023
Term of Office ends: 03/10/2027

Committees/Working Groups

Chosen in alphabetical order from eligible Governors who have not made the original decision against which the appeal is being made, starting with the letter A.

Quorum 3

Membership Miss Lockwood, Mr Spaul

Quorum 3

Membership Mrs Earnshaw (Clerk), Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher, Miss Lockwood, Mr Spaul, Mr Cook (Chair)

Quorum 3

Membership Mrs Archer, Miss Brame, Mrs Earnshaw (Chair)

Quorum 2

Membership Mrs Archer (Chair), Ms Brame, Mr Spaul (Clerk)

Quorum 3

Membership: Mrs Archer, Mrs Earnshaw, Mr Spaul

Quorum 3

Membership Mrs Archer, Mrs Guy, Mr Webster, Headteacher

Quorum ?

Membership:  Mrs Earnshaw (Clerk), Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher, Miss Lockwood (Chair), Mr Spaul   

Quorum 3


Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher, Mrs Archer, Mrs Earnshaw (Clerk), Mrs Grindle, Mr Cawthorne    

Quorum 3

Selection Panels

Membership:  Chair of Governors, Miss Lockwood    

Reserve: 1st reserve Mrs Archer; 2nd reserve Mrs Guy

Quorum 3

Membership: Chair of Governors, Headteacher, Miss Lockwood

Reserve: Mr Webster   

Quorum 3

Membership: Headteacher, Chair of Governors, Assistant Headteacher, Miss Lockwood

Reserve:  One reserve Governor chosen in alphabetical order, starting with the letter C    Quorum: 3

Membership: Headteacher, Chair of Governors, Assistant Headteacher

Reserve:  Miss Lockwood    Quorum: 2

 Code of Conduct - Governors.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3